[Igcm] FW: Census Bureau Data Dissemination Specialist Meetings in Boise Area

Idaho Geospatial Council Membership igcm at admws.idaho.gov
Tue Jul 17 08:44:30 MDT 2018


Good day All,

 I want to follow up with you all after a productive half-day meeting I had in Boise with Janell Hyer, the State Data Center Lead for Idaho and meeting with each of the congressional and senate offices in the Boise area. I am the Census Bureau Data Dissemination Specialist that now covers the state of Idaho as of April 2018.

It is my job to assist the public & government organizations with accessing Census Bureau data and information. This is a free service of the Census Bureau, overseen by the Economic and Statistics Administration (ESA) within Department of Commerce. Currently I live in Denver, Colorado and provide data services to the states of Colorado, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming via virtual webinar, or in-person, traveling about two weeks/month, with a focus on low response areas.

This link will provide information about details for a mapping tool we use to identify low response areas. https://www.census.gov/roam

Janell and I discussed the conference opportunities as well, please let me know if there are state or local conferences you feel I could assist with by presenting or teaching at breakout sessions. The NE SDC will host their annual conference in August and does provide a free opportunity for fellow SDCs to participate virtually to see how they run their conference, it is one of the largest I have attended and serves the state well with both virtual and in-person options. Let me know if you would like information about it.

 We have several data tools that would be helpful to the public users at this time in Idaho, or if you would like training on the updates with www.census.gov<http://www.census.gov> please let me know.

American FactFinder
This interactive application provides statistics from the Economic Census, the American Community Survey, and the 2010 Census, among others. This will be sunset next year and replaced by a tool in beta format that is available for users to provide their input for development still https://data.census.gov/cedsci/landing?intcmp=data_cedsci_banner.html.
Census Business Builder
Census Business Builder offers small business owners selected Census Bureau & other statistics to guide their research for opening or expanding their business.
My Tribal Area
Access selected statistics collected for the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population from the American Community Survey (ACS).
This application provides access to the Census Bureau programs that provide economic data for a user-selected industry.https://www.census.gov/econ/isp/

Local Employment Household Data Tools:
An online mapping & reporting application showing where workers are employed & where they live with companion reports on worker characteristics.
OnTheMap for Emergency Management<https://onthemap.ces.census.gov/em/>
A public data tool for accessing U.S. population and workforce statistics, for areas being affected by natural disasters.
QWI Explorer<https://qwiexplorer.ces.census.gov/>
Provides detailed demographics; geographic (state, county, and metro/micro areas); ownership information; industry information, and recent and historical data.

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Lastly, I want to let you know that I am the evergreen contact if you have questions, although I may not be the point of contact for specific projects or programs, I will certainly try to get you in touch with those subject matter experts at the Census Bureau. I look forward to working with you all and learning more about the state of Idaho.

Kimberly Davis, Data Dissemination Specialist

Customer Liaison & Marketing Services Office/Data Dissemination Branch

U.S. Census Bureau

M: 303-503-7047

kimberly.ann.davis at census.gov<mailto:kimberly.ann.davis at census.gov>

census.gov<http://www.census.gov/>  | Connect with us on Social Media<http://www.census.gov/about/contact-us/social_media.html>

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