Idaho Geospatial Council Membership igcm at admws.idaho.gov
Fri Feb 12 08:34:03 MST 2021

Good morning IGC and Geotech members,

Today is the last day to submit nominations for the 2021 IGC-EC Election.
If you are interested in running, or if you would like to nominate someone please let me know by the end of the day.

The positions up for election this year:
1.            State (Seat 2)
2.            Federal (Seat 3)
3.            Local (Seat 5)
4.            Utility (Seat 9)
5.            Open (Seat 11)
6.            Open (Seat 12)

The requirements for running are:
*         Candidates must be current members of the IGC (to join, you may sign-up at: https://admws.idaho.gov/mailman/listinfo/igcm<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fadmws.idaho.gov%2fmailman%2flistinfo%2figcm&c=E,1,cLDvz66nPyASDBxF4SUk-FJMHAzDFk7XMYRSD0YHU8NszckzNLW3vngJyYqG9SX9uOaIwUamtG6ht1II9Zr_kKRau16cebRdn1FagRNVmWw,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
*         Candidates may only run for a seat that represents their stakeholder group (i.e. an employee of a state agency can only run for a state seat; an employee of a private sector company can only run for the private seat, etc.)

If you have questions or would like any additional information, please let me know.

Have a great weekend,

Mary Frances (Bir) Coffman
Administrative Assistant I
IT Services (ITS) | Executive Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 83720 | Boise, ID  83720-0042
mary.bir at its.idaho.gov
(208) 605-4094

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